Congratulations on your new protection plan. You’ve made a smart decision to protect your purchase from expensive repairs or replacements. We all hope that a product never breaks down and accidents never happen. However, when they do, we will be there. Now sit back and relax knowing it’s ok to use your things!
*Refer to your PROTECTALL™ terms and conditions for specific coverage details.
We’ve made protection easy. Simply log in to the PROTECTALL™ Claims Portal where you can:
Your plan is active starting the date of delivery. Though not necessary, registering for an account will help you track your PROTECTALL™ purchases and provide you with online claims tools putting you in the driver seat!
Filing a claim is easy with PROTECTALL™.
Most products purchased come with a manufacturer’s warranty that is generally up to one year from the date of purchase and typically covers defects due to parts or workmanship. During this time, all protection plans (including PROTECTALL™) will refer you to the manufacturer if there’s an issue with your item that is covered by their warranty so that they can resolve it.
However, if there is an issue not covered by the manufacturer during the warranty period, that is included in your plan, PROTECTALL™ will cover it. After expiration of the manufacturer’s warranty, PROTECTALL™ covers all issues included in your plan for the remainder of the plan term.
To download and review your plan documents, log in to the PROTECTALL™ claims portal. Or, get an overview of what’s covered with each of our plans below.